14 West Street, Newtown CT 06470
The Cornerstone has been a mission project of Newtown Congregational Church since its inception in 1991. The purposes for the existence of the Cornerstone are numerous:
One of our primary mission goals is to have a place where people who might not be able to afford to clothe themselves or furnish their homes have a place to comfortably shop to fill their needs.
The thrift center also exists to fill the desire of people who just enjoy thrift shopping and/or are seeking quality items at a low expense, or are even seeking a "special find" at a bargain price.
We also feel blessed to be able to help other charitable organizations by giving them some of the donations that we receive, and thus, sharing with them some of what we've been blessed with.
Another mission goal is to be environmentally friendly. Donations that don't quite meet our standards of quality are sent on to other facilities or recycled via organizations that help keep the earth clean.
And lastly, the income received from The Cornerstone assists the Newtown Congregational Church to be successful in its ministries and mission goals.